My recipe for a delicious low carb smoothie bowl! Part of my goal this time is to eat more fresh fruit and to have more fibre in my diet, so this was my breakfast.
Yopro strawberry 1 tub (or natural for even lower carbs)
A splash of full cream milk (to make it more smoothie like)
Frozen blueberries
Almond flakes
1/4 of a kiwi
Shredded coconut
1 strawberry
Step 1: mix together yogurt and a little milk. You can use water or unsweetened almond milk if you don’t want to use milk. Once mixed smooth out to have a even surface.
Step 2. Go topping crazy! Enjoy yourself and make your bowl your own! Just make sure all your ingredients are low enough in carbs :)
Rough estimate of macros based on my fitness pal app:
Fat: 12g
Protein: 20
Net carbs: 15.6g
Although the carbs are a little higher (which is mainly the yopro yogurt so switching to natural or Greek would fix this) it is a very filling bowl and I did not eat anything for 5hours after this.
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